
Call Me Crazy... Insane.... Out of my Mind.

I tend to get these grand ideas for homemade presents..

The problem with homemade is that it takes FOREVER.
But. With this one, it doesn't really have a deadline, it's one that you keep adding as it goes along.
Okay, okay, so what is this you ask?
Yes, it's another book.
Some may know that I made one for Whitney for her 16th bday..
Well, as some more of you may know,
My brother and his wife are expecting a baby!!!
The baby is going to be named River.
boy or girl, we're not sure yet.
BACK to the point.
I have decided.......

to make.....................

a homemade baby book......

And I threw the idea out at the dinner table (oh yeah, JD and Katie [that's my bro and sis-in-law] also live with us for the moment of a few months) and Katie said she'd rather have a homemade baby book than a store bought one.
So this is my next creative endeavor... along with others on the side and a suprise here and there.

So have a wonderful day :D

1 comment:

Whitney said...

WAH! AHHH!!!! I can't wait to see it!!!!
You have NO idea how happy that made me! I want to make a book. I'm just thinking about what I should make it about...:(