So... school starts in 2 weeks, that's a little depressing...
It has been one of the best summers so far, different, but still so amazing..
and gone by WAY too fast!!
So this is what's been going on around here the past couple of weeks:
-JD and Katie and River moved back into our house, bought a house, about to move out of our house and into their new house.
-Caleb and his best friend are renting an apartment now and he just recently moved out.
-Jordan left on Tuesday for Airforce basic training...
So, everyone seems to be leaving around the same time..
Caleb will still be not too far, and JD, Katie and River will be literally 9 houses away from us...
So that's not too sad,
But Jordan... well he's in San Antonio...
I'm gonna miss him the most.
We've just gotten so close this past year, and it's hard when your brother leaves..
And it's sad when i'll think he's just at a friends house, but then i remember he's not coming back for a while.
I folded his clothes yesterday, it was kinda sad too.
But this is something he was ready to do.
Something he was passionate about, and he'll turn out to be amazing.
He's got this competitive drive that would perhaps suprise you if you haven't seen him play football or any sport.
He'll be amazing.
And we're so proud of him.
So if I could please ask you to pray for him, and keep him strong, not only physically, but spiritually too, and also for JD and Katie, and Caleb...
Actually, our whole family needs the prayers
Thank you...
I'm sorry if this was a little depressing... but I still hope you enjoy this beautiful day :)