
So i'm all moved in...

More on that later.

I wanted to make another Happy list, and then I saw my friend Jennifer had made a list too!

here some things:

1. the smell of pencils
2. a massive hoard of colored pens
3. the feeling that your life is like a tv episode
4. late night laughter
5. waking up early and realizing you can go back to sleep
6. snuggles
7. secret forts
8. long sleeved shirts and sweaters
9. lemonade
10. journals

....really random.

Oh, just had my first college class ever, psychology, IT WAS SO COOOOL!
(did i mention there are 530+ people in that class?? yeah.....)

Have a beautiful day!


ViS!T0R said...
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ViS!T0R said...

go psychology!!

my personal favorite class.